Monday, January 24, 2022

Farewell for now

Dear readers of this blog,

For quite some time, this blog has been stumbling along, in spite of my failure to keep up with it properly. Then, just as it seemed that it was almost finished for good, a certain pandemic came along and gave me a lot of unexpected free time to watch movies. My tenure writing reviews for (check them out!) around the same time also helped revitalize my writing for the blog.

However, I feel that the time has finally come to call it a day, at least for the current incarnation of the blog. For a long time, I have felt like I should start transitioning to something other than a text based capsule review format, and I might still do that some day if I can get it off the ground. In the meantime, you can follow me on Letterboxd, where I will continue to post brief reviews on films from the quest for posterity.

In any case, the quest is not over yet! Thanks for reading, and continue to watch this space for any new updates.

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